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11 July 2024 Release Notes

Welcome to our release notes! 

Let's check out the latest updates to ExpandShare by R365!


New Features

  • Automated language translations are now available for courses and quizzes, enhancing multi-language support and accessibility.

Major Improvements

  • The checklist preview has been redesigned to use the same styles and components (for example, buttons and icons) as are used throughout ExpandShare, ensuring a consistent user experience across the platform.
  • Action plan tasks now display the associated location name, providing better context and clarity for task assignments.
  • Learning Tracks 2.0 features an updated design for viewing PDF documents, improving the user interface and usability.
  • Learning Tracks features an updated design for the list admin interface, offering a more intuitive and user-friendly layout.
  • The media upload button in Learning Tracks 2.0 has been updated with a new media browser for easier media management.
  • All alerts concerning checklists that have not been submitted are now combined into a single push notification or email alert.

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